South of the 6ix

Release Date: 08-28-2019 16:23

Weekly Toronto Blue Jays TalkbrbrulliHost Adam Corsair takes this one solo as he recaps the numerous topics surrounding the Toronto Blue Jays, as well as takes your questions submitted on Twitter, InstaGram, and via EMailbrbr/li/ulstrongFollow Host Adam Corsair on Twitter/strong a href=http//wwwtwittercom/AdamCorsairAdamCorsair/abrstrongFollow South of the 6ix on Twitter/strong a href=http//wwwtwittercom/SouthOfThe6ixSouthOfThe6ixbr/abrstrongVisit Our Affiliates/strong a href=http//wwwstadiumscenetvStadium Scene/a a href=http//overtimemediaOvertime Mediabr/abrstrongMusic/strongbrScott Holmes “emMountains All Around Us”br/embrstrongComing to you LIVE from the Vivid Seats Studios! Want up to $100 off your first purchase over at Vivid Seats Download the app and use Promo Code OVERTIME!br/strongbrstrongWritten, Produced, Edited/strong Adam CorsairbrSOT6brbrbrbrbrLearn more about your ad choices Visit a href=https//megaphonefm/adchoicesmegaphonefm/adchoices/a