South of the 6ix

Release Date: 06-23-2019 07:10

Weekly Toronto Blue Jays TalkulliHost Adam Corsair takes this one solo as he recaps the Toronto Blue Jays season thus far and gauges the trade talk surrounding Marcus Stroman/li/ulstrongFollow Host Adam Corsair on Twitter/strong a href=http//wwwtwittercom/AdamCorsairAdamCorsair/abrstrongFollow South of the 6ix on Twitter/strong a href=http//wwwtwittercom/SouthOfThe6ixSouthOfThe6ixbr/abrstrongVisit Our Affiliates/strong a href=http//wwwstadiumscenetvStadium Scene/a a href=http//overtimemediaOvertime Media/abrbrstrongMusic/strongbrScott Holmes “emMountains All Around Us”br/embrstrongWritten, Produced, Edited/strong Adam CorsairbrSOT6brbrLearn more about your ad choices Visit a href=https//megaphonefm/adchoicesmegaphonefm/adchoices/a