South of the 6ix

Release Date: 05-03-2019 18:49

Weekly Toronto Raptors TalkbrbrulliAfter dropping Game 2 on their home court, the Raptors traveled to Philly to try to steal one and take a series lead over the Sixers in Round 2 of the NBA Playoffs Needless to say, the vast majority of the Raptors squad didn’t show up and ended up coughing Game 3 up, putting them in a emmustwin/em situation heading into Game 4 What needs to be done for the Raptors to reestablish momentum and but an end to this series in order to move on to the Eastern Conference Finalsbrbr/liliTo discuss these and other topics, host Adam Corsair is joined by Richard Birfer of the BallnRollcom official Podcast, PickNPod Richard and Adam get into detail regarding Game 3 with topics that includebr Nurse’s Decisions/li/ulbr Bench Woesbr Setting Tonesbr Positivesbr PredictionsbrbrIt’s a Raptors’ show you WON’T want to miss!brbrstrongFollow Richard on Twitter/strong a href=http//wwwtwittercom/richardbirfsrichardbirfs/abrstrongFollow PicknPod on Twitter/strong a href=https//twittercom/pick_podpick_pod/abrstrongFollow BallnRoll on Twitter /stronga href=https//twittercom/BALLnROLLstrong/strongBALLnROLL/abrstrongSubscribe to the PickNPod Podcast /stronga href=https//itunesapplecom/ca/podcast/picknpod/id1450634726mt=2ignmpt=uo%3D4HERE/abrstrongVisit BallnRoll/strong a href=http//wwwballnrollcom/HEREbr/abrstrongFollow Host Adam Corsair on Twitter/strong a href=http//wwwtwittercom/AdamCorsairAdamCorsair/abrstrongFollow South of the 6ix on Twitter/strong a href=http//wwwtwittercom/SouthOfThe6ixSouthOfThe6ixbr/abrstrongVisit Our Affiliates/strong a href=http//wwwstadiumscenetvStadium Scene/a a href=http//overtimemediaOvertime Mediabr/abrstrongMusic/strongbrFreeBeats emWon’t Stop/embrAuxl Studio emBlue Bloods/embrbrstrongWritten, Produced, Edited/strong Adam CorsairbrbrSOT 6brbrLearn more about your ad choices Visit a href=https//megaphonefm/adchoicesmegaphonefm/adchoices/a