Stadium Scene TV's Main Event

Release Date: 01-01-2025 15:04

Kate and D.J. sit down for a review of 2024, a preview of 2025 (including an update on Stadium Scene's Rocket League), the launch of Stadium Scene Sports Jobs Hub, and some off-topic conversation, including the Astrodome Conservancy, a soap opera parody filmed in an IKEA without the store's knowledge, and much more on this episode of Stadium Scene's Main Event!

Thank you again for your ongoing support of Stadium Scene. We look forward to serving you with new content throughout 2025 and beyond!

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Sign up for the Stadium Scene Sports Jobs Hub using our $29 for the first-year launch special. Make that dream career move into sports.

As usual, the video for this episode can be found on our ???YouTube channel???.  Be sure to hit subscribe!

Rogue Energy powers today's episode. ??Learn more?? about how we used Rogue Energy to help train for a 10k race. Also, save 10% by using promo code stadiumscene at checkout.